The Apache Software Foundation Board of Directors Interim Meeting Minutes 9 October 2002 1. Call to order The meeting was scheduled for 10:00am PDT -0700 and began when a a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was recognized by the chairman at 10:06am. The meeting was held by teleconference hosted by Jim Jagielski (Covalent). IRC #apacheboard on was used for backup purposes. 2. Roll Call Directors Present: Brian Behlendorf Ken Coar Roy T. Fielding Jim Jagielski Ben Laurie Sam Ruby Greg Stein Directors Present Post-Roll Call: Dirk-Willem van Gulik (10:09am) Directors Absent: Guests: Randy Terbush 3. Special Orders A) The Board was required to appoint a Director to fill the position vacated by Randy. Bill Stoddard accepted Greg Stein's nomination for this role. By unanimous vote, Bill Stoddard was appointed to the Board Of Directors. B) Appoint an Assistant Treasurer Ken Coar accepted Greg Stein's nomination for this role. Chuck Murcko accepted Jim Jagielski's nomination for this role. A vote was held for the appointment of Assistant Treasurer with the following results: Chuck: 5 Ken: 3 Abstain: 0 Therefore, Chuck was appointed Assistant Treasurer. All directors thanked Randy for his hard work as treasurer over the last few years. C) Vote on ApacheCon hardship cases Further discussion was held on whether the Concom should have the means and authority to provide supplemental funds to ASF members for the purpose of attending ApacheCon 2002 if they were unable to afford the expense. By a vote of 6-Yea, 2-Nay, 0-Abstain, the Concom was allocated a budget of $5000 (US) to distribute as needed (and as determined by the Concom) to handle these "hardship cases." D) Establish the Apache Security Team. The following resolution was proposed: WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to establish an ASF Board Committee charged with maintaining the security of software produced by the various projects established under the ASF's umbrella, but not for the security of the servers and other infrastructure used by the ASF. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that an ASF Board Committee, to be known as the "Apache Security Team", be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Apache Security Team be and hereby is responsible for organization and oversight of efforts to maintain the security of ASF projects and shall act as a single point of contact between the ASF and any entity wishing to report or fix any security related issue in any project. RESOLVED, that each project shall appoint at least one non-voting liaison to the committee, who shall have commit privilege for the project's repository, and the technical ability to release new versions, advisories or security patches on behalf of the project. RESOLVED, that the committee shall have the power to act on behalf of any project in matters of security. RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache Security Committee: Ben Laurie (chair) Mark Cox By unanimous vote, the above resolution passed. E) With Randy leaving, the board needed to appoint a replacement chair for Fund Raising Committee. It was agreed that it still made sense for the Treasurer to also chair this committee. Randy offered to contact Chuck and see if he was willing and able to chair this. 4. Adjournment Scheduled to adjourn by 10:30am PDT -0700. Adjourned at 10:44am. __________________________________________________________ End of agenda for the 09 Oct 2002 board meeting.