With great sadness, we must report the staggering loss of our good friend and colleague, Martin Pöschl (id: mpoeschl). Martin passed away on January 29th, 2004. Martin lived in Vienna, Austria.
Martin was an extraordinary human being and a fantastic engineer. He was very proud to have recently become a Member of the Apache Software Foundation, a role he earned many times over during the course of his work both directly with the ASF and in the private sector. He was sincerely committed to the success of our projects, and participated in all activities with an open mind, a very constructive attitude, and an awareness of the multi-faceted social aspects of our community.
Martin dedicated endless hours to discussing projects and software, answering questions on mailing lists and IRC, and heroically slogging through the issue trackers. He was most recently the lead developer on db.apache.org's Torque project. Martin was also heavily involved in the OJB and Turbine projects, and (to a lesser degree) the Jakarta Commons and XML-RPC projects. He had many good ideas and plans for the future integration of Torque and OJB.
Martin, we miss you. We will remember you always as an appreciated colleague and a good friend. All our thoughts and good wishes are with you and your loved ones. May your soul find peace.
- Daniel L. Rall, Thomas Mahler, and the rest of the ASF crew