It is with great sadness that the Foundation and its members were notified about the sudden passing of Nóirín Plunkett.
Nóirín was an Apache httpd contributor, ASF board member, VP and ApacheCon organizer. Nóirín's passionate contributions and warm personality will be sorely missed. Many considered Nóirín a friend and viewed Nóirín's work to improving 'Women in Technology' as a great contribution to this cause.
Nóirín you will be missed, may you now be at rest. With love, your ASF Family.
"Noirin, aka Our Lady of Documentation, is also an active participant in on the Conference Planning Committee, and genuinely likes the ASF and what we do."
Noel J Bergman, March 2007
"Noirin has the rare combination of youthful exuberance with wisdom beyond her years, and would bring those qualities to the board with her usual tact. I would therefore like to see her serve again in a leadership position on the upcoming board, her unique qualities will serve the org well in such a post. For those of you that don't remember, Noirin served on the board a few years ago with grace and distinction, and her consideration for others really starts to shine when she's given the right kind of platform for airing her concerns."
Joe Schaefer, 2012
"Nóirín was a forerunner in many fields and discussions, issues that caught on inside the hearts and minds of others through her truly passionate engagement with the community. I'd like to think that no matter how short her life, she did something with it that had a genuine impact ..."
Daniel Gruno, July 2015
"I strongly second her nomination. She'll be a tremendous asset to the foundation. Truth be told, I'm dreading tomorrow's ConCom planners meeting without her! ..."
Justin Erenkrantz, May 2007